Citing Alpaca

To refer to the Alpaca software package in publications, please use:

Alpaca (doi:10.5281/zenodo.10276510; RRID:SCR_023739)

To cite a specific version of Alpaca please see version-specific DOIs at:

To cite Alpaca, please use:

Köhler CA, Ulianych D, Grün S, Decker S, Denker M (2023) Facilitating the sharing of electrophysiology data analysis results through in-depth provenance capture. arXiv:2311.09672. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2311.09672

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is:

      title={Facilitating the sharing of electrophysiology data analysis results through in-depth provenance capture},
      author={Cristiano André Köhler and Danylo Ulianych and Sonja Grün and Stefan Decker and Michael Denker},