************************************************** Alpaca - Automated Lightweight Provenance Capture ************************************************** Alpaca is a Python package for the capture of provenance information during the execution of Python scripts that process data. Alpaca provides a simple API for recording the details of the functions being executed, the data flow, and a description of parameters used. This is accomplished with minimal code instrumentation and user intervention. Provenance information is structured and serialized according to a model based on the `W3C PROV format `_. Examples are provided for the analysis of electrophysiology data, using the open source packages `Neo `_ and `Elephant `_. See `Köhler et al. (2023) `_ for a detailed description on how to capture and interpret provenance trails generated by Alpaca. Visit the `project page on GitHub `_, to report bugs and issues, or to make contributions to the source code. Table of Contents ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 introduction install examples api release_notes acknowledgments authors citation open_software_licenses .. |date| date:: .. |time| date:: %H:%M